The Awareness of Self

The Awareness of Self

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Gyodo Haguri (1881-1965) was a Shin Buddhist priest whose keen appreciation for Shinran’s teaching was controversial from the standpoint of Hongwanji doctrine. His classic book Transformation of One’s Entire Being: The Culmination of Other-Power Faith (1953) was published in translation as The Awareness of Self (1967) with Prologue and Epilogue by Taitetsu Unno. It is now made available as an eBook edition.

“Gyodo Haguri Sensei’s wish for the first publication of his book was to share the essence of Shin Buddhism with the English-speaking audience. He would indeed be pleased to know that his Dharma message continues to be important, meaningful, and relevant today.” —William Masuda

“In the deepest heart of hearts all men seek ‘the still point of the turning world’ within themselves. This still point, this center within, may be called by various names—inner security, spiritual equilibrium, individuation, 
satori, or faith—but it is the timeless and primeval longing of man to become authentic, whole, and complete in himself.” —Taitetsu Unno

“Generally speaking, people are considered to be good and faithful followers if they lead a moral life, attend church services, and participate in welfare activities. In Shin Buddhism, however, while these practices are encouraged, they alone do not constitute the Buddhist way of life. What is critically important is that the teachings radically transform our way of thinking and living so that we become true individuals: strong in crisis, humble in success, tender in our feelings, and grateful at all times.” —Gyodo Haguri